Digital Marketing for Australian Businesses – A New Era : Part 2

As mentioned in the first part of this follow-up article, there are multitudes of ways that businesses could promote their businesses using digital channels, but some of these popular methods just do not cut it.

For example, businesses should avoid trying to promote their businesses by posting on random sites and paying people to do it, it simply does not work that way and more often than not – money is wasted.

Engaging in something like this or this type of campaign involves networking and by networking, what is meant is getting in touch with publishers of other ‘relevant’ not ‘random’ Australian websites, blog owners and online reviewers who are able to assist by explaining explain what their site is all about and whether it will actually be able to promote your business.

A clearer example of this scenario is when a firm hires a superficial digital marketing solution provider to bump up the firm’s Google ranking. Most solution providers immediately start spitting out low-quality articles and paste them about on random non-relevant sites, this method will show results, but not for long as Google’s algorithms pick up on the irrelevancy and sends the firm packing, worst still, they ‘Red Flag’ the business site causing more damage than good for the business.

How this happens is when an article about a company that sells stationery winds up in a site related to automotive parts or psychology that is geographically located in India or Africa that have nothing to do with stationery goods in Australia.

Hence, as mentioned in part one, it is absolutely necessary to hire digital marketing solution providers who know exactly what they are doing.

In essence, digital marketing components revolve around the 6 primary components listed below:

·        Website Design

·        SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

·        PPC – Pay-Per-Click Advertising

·        Content Marketing

·        Social Media Marketing

Website Design

Digital marketing elements involve driving leads back to a website and ensuring that visitors are not disappointed when they arrive is critical towards leaving a positive impression on potential customers.

This is simply because 95 % of a visitor’s first impression is directly related to web design and if it is bad, rest assured that visitors will leave immediately. When Google picks up on this, it will de-rank the site.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation is the cornerstone of successful digital marketing simply because out of the billions of people who conduct searches online for products, services or information them do not look beyond the results from the first page.

Having the greatest website on the planet will not make a difference, simply because nobody will ever be able to find it.

You can find out more information regarding SEO on Sir Linksalot.

(PPC) advertising

PPC advertising is among the most suitable tactic that could be applied from time to time to maintain online presence whilst organic tactics with SEO which are more effective are being engineered and executed.

PPC also assists in boosting rankings rapidly. Another positive factor about PPC advertising is the fact that businesses are only required to make payments when people click on ads.

Content Marketing

Content is king when it comes to boosting rankings and also to assist consumers to know more about a business. Content is critical towards ensuring that whatever digital marketing strategies employed achieve success.

However, the quality of the content is of the utmost importance to achieve higher rankings.

Social Media Marketing

Integrating social media into marketing efforts is also a critical element in digital marketing simply because there are more than 2 billion people who use social media daily and thus it is a valuable component of digital marketing.

Businesses are able to connect with both current and potential customers using social media and develop a relationship with them at a personal level which enhances the level of loyalty a consumer has towards a brand.


Doing it on your own is a possible solution, however, digital marketing is time-consuming and in fact a full-time job which would leave business owners with little or no time at all to concentrate on their businesses.

Therefore, hiring a digital marketing / SEO company that have already established these crucial contacts and have a network of competent individuals would, in fact, be a better option from the perspective of cost-effectiveness, efficiency and success rate.

For instance, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) alone would require well-written articles, contacts with good quality sites that are based in Australia, relevant back-links, regular social media postings that are supported by auxiliary digital marketing elements such as business listings, ‘Google My Business’, and links with 3rd party websites just to name a few.  

It is undeniable that digital marketing strategies are powerful on their own, but when they are combined in perfect proportions in a firm’s ‘digital marketing brew it is a recipe for success.

This article is a continuation of Digital Marketing for Australian Businesses – A New Era : Part 1

Roy Ellery

Roy Ellery

Roy Ellery is the founder and creator of Adore Australia, he lives in Melbourne, Australia. Roy is a professional website developer by trade, and runs the Adore Australia blog as a hobby.

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1 Response

  1. 22 August, 2019

    […] Digital Marketing for Australian Businesses – A New Era : Part 2 […]

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